Build applications with Effect

16 November 2023

Updated on 26 April 2024

14 min read

Table of Contents

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been using a new TypeScript library called Effect on personal and work projects at

Effect solves common problems we face every day in software development, such as concurrency, composability, and making things explicit with the power of TypeScript type system.

I wrote this article based on the talk I presented at SoCraTes Italy 2023.

This article has been updated after Effect 3.0 stable release 🎉.

What is Effect?

Effect allows to build composable applications with a strong focus on type safety and error handling.

Yes, this is quite a generic and broad definition. I like that this library provides you all the building blocks to create your application without compromising on anything important.

The image below summarize some of the core features part of the ecosystem:

Map of Effect features

On this article I’m going to focus on Concurrency, Dependency Injection and a little bit of Observability.

Let’s build an application

We’re going to rebuild the main workflow of my personal project football-calendar.

I created this application to sync google calendar with football matches of my favorite team to solve a problem I was facing using different football mobile apps.

I retrieve football matches from and I use Google Calendar as database and front end to display football matches as events.

The workflow of the app is:

  • Retrieve football matches from and calendar events from Google Calendar
  • Elaborate those data and produce a list of commands (for example, to create a new calendar event or update an existing one)
  • Execute the commands to update the database

Football calendar app workflow

Let’s start from an empty function, footballMatchEventsHandler, that given a teamId will execute the workflow of the app:

export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number) => {
    throw new Error("TBI")

What should be the return type of this function? The Effect<A, E, R> type!

The Effect type

Effect<A, E, R> type is lazy and immutable description of a workflow.

  • A or Value type parameter: the value of the succeeded Effect
  • E or Error type parameter: the expected errors that this Effect may produce. Default is never
  • R or Requirements type parameter: the dependencies that the Effect needs to be executed. Default is never

We can say that footballMatchEventsHandler function returns a Effect<void> which means that it doesn’t return any value (A = void), doesn’t produce any expected error (E = never) and has no requirements (R = never).

import * as Effect from "effect/Effect"
export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void> => {
    throw new Error("TBI")

Retrieve football matches

Let’s start by retrieving the football matches. We need to pass a loadMatchesByTeam function to footballMatchEventsHandler and for this we can use the Requirements of the Effect type.

We need to create a type or interface where we can define all requirements.

export type Deps = {
    loadMatchesByTeam: (teamId: number) => Effect.Effect<readonly FootballMatch[]>

Then we need to create a representation of Deps at value-level using a Tag:

import * as Context from "effect/Context"
export type Deps = {...}
export const Deps = Context.GenericTag<Deps>("Deps")

Now that we have defined the Deps type, let’s change the return type of footballMatchEventsHandler

export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> => {
    throw new Error("TBI")

To use the requirements we have to start our pipeline (in alternative you can use generators) to extract and invoke loadMatchesByTeam:

import * as F from "effect/Function"
export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> =>
        Deps, // 👈 Tags can be used as an Effect
        Effect.flatMap(({ loadMatchesByTeam }) => loadMatchesByTeam(teamId)),
        //     👆 flatMap allows to access the `A` of the previous `Effect` and return an new `Effect<B, E | E1, R | R1>`

If we run the application, we can see that loadMatchesByTeam is executed!

{"message":"start loadMatchesByTeam","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:31:45.178Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"loadMatchesByTeam done","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:31:46.186Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}

I’m using a custom logger to have structured logs in json

Retrieve calendar events

This should be easier, we know what we have to do.

First we add loadCalendarEventsByTeam function to Deps.

export type Deps = {
    loadMatchesByTeam: (teamId: number) => Effect.Effect<readonly FootballMatch[]>
    loadCalendarEventsByTeam: (teamId: number) => Effect.Effect<readonly CalendarEvent[]>

Then to always have the requirements in scope we have to create a second pipeline.

export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> =>
        Effect.flatMap(({ loadMatchesByTeam, loadCalendarEventsByTeam }) =>

We are already invoking loadMatchesByTeam but we also want to invoke loadCalendarEventsByTeam.

How can we combine many effects into one? Using Effect.all.

export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> =>
        Effect.flatMap(({ loadMatchesByTeam, loadCalendarEventsByTeam }) =>
                    matches: loadMatchesByTeam(teamId),
                    calendarEvents: loadCalendarEventsByTeam(teamId),

In TypeScript you would have used Promise.all, but with Effect.all you gain proper type safe error handling and more interesting behaviors we’ll see in the next section.

Now if we run the application, both football matches and calendar events are retrieved.

{"message":"start loadMatchesByTeam","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:40:50.688Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"loadMatchesByTeam done","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:40:51.715Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"start loadCalendarEventsByTeam","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:40:51.715Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"loadCalendarEventsByTeam done","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:40:52.647Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","teamId":"502"}

Controlled concurrency

If you have a closer look at the order of the logs (and the timestamps) we can see that they are executed sequentially. This is the default behavior of every effect.

Even though this two effects are quite fast, we can easily experiment and try to run them concurrently.

Effect.all accepts a second parameter where we can specify the concurrency, in this case we only have two effects so we can set it to 2.

From now onwards, the code snippets are going to focus on the second pipeline.

            matches: loadMatchesByTeam(teamId),
            calendarEvents: loadCalendarEventsByTeam(teamId),
        { concurrency: 2 },

And now the output changes as both effects starts concurrently:

{"message":"start loadMatchesByTeam","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:44:38.195Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#3","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"start loadCalendarEventsByTeam","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:44:38.251Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#4","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"loadCalendarEventsByTeam done","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:44:39.538Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#4","teamId":"502"}
{"message":"loadMatchesByTeam done","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:44:39.669Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#3","teamId":"502"}

Create commands and observability

Now that we have both football matches and calendar events we can produce the list of commands to execute.

            matches: loadMatchesByTeam(teamId),
            calendarEvents: loadCalendarEventsByTeam(teamId),
        { concurrency: 2 },
    //    👆 map allows to access the `A` of the previous `Effect` and return `B` as Effect Value
// The union type of commands
type FootballMatchEvent =
    | CreateFootballMatchEvent
    | UpdateFootballMatchEvent
    | NothingChangedFootballMatchEvent
// We're not going into domain specific details
declare const elaborateData: (_: {
    matches: readonly FootballMatch[]
    calendarEvents: readonly CalendarEvent[]
}) => readonly FootballMatchEvent[]

Great! But what if I would like to know how many Create or Update commands needs to be executed?

We can use the built-in logger and Effect.tap function.

    // ...,
    Effect.tap((commands) =>
        // 👆 tap allows to "execute" an Effect without changing the `A` type
            // Use built-in logger to log a string
            Effect.logInfo("Commands to execute"),
            // And then we can enrich our log with
            // additional data, for example a summary of our commands
type Summary = { create: number; update: number; nothingChanged: number }
declare const toSummary: (commands: readonly FootballMatchEvent[]) => Summary

And as we run the application, we can see the log and the annotations we added.

    "message": "Commands to execute",
    "timestamp": "2023-11-05T15:50:34.477Z",
    "level": "INFO",
    "fiberId": "#0",
    "create": "31",
    "update": "0",
    "teamId": "502",
    "nothingChanged": "0"

You may have noticed that teamId was always present in all logs. Once you annotate an Effect, every log inside that Effect will be annotated.

// application entry point
    // keep new line
    Effect.annotateLogs({ teamId }),

Execute commands

We’re almost done. This is the last part and our application will be completed! We have to execute the commands to update the database (Google Calendar).

We don’t need to do anything for commands of type NothingChanged, so let’s filter them out of the list.

    // ...
    Effect.tap((commands) =>
        F.pipe(Effect.logInfo("Commands to execute"), Effect.annotateLogs(toSummary(commands))),
type CreateOrUpdateEvent = Exclude<FootballMatchEvent, { _tag: "NOTHING_CHANGED" }>
declare const filterCreateOrUpdateEvents: (
    events: readonly FootballMatchEvent[],
) => CreateOrUpdateEvent[]

To create or update calendar events we need two new requirements: createCalendarEvent and updateCalendarEvent.

export type Deps = {
    // ...
    createCalendarEvent: (command: CreateFootballMatchEvent) => Effect.Effect<void>
    updateCalendarEvent: (command: UpdateFootballMatchEvent) => Effect.Effect<void>

What is left to do now is to invoke createCalendarEvent or updateCalendarEvent based on the command type. Here comes handy the Match module that allows to do exhaustive pattern matching (like ts-pattern, but deeply integrated into the Effect ecosystem and conventions).

import * as Match from "effect/Match"
const createOrUpdate = (create: Deps["createCalendarEvent"], update: Deps["updateCalendarEvent"]) =>
        Match.tag("CREATE", (x) => create(x)),
        //    👆 Effect convention is to use `_tag` as tag/discriminant property.
        //       For example `type CreateFootballMatchEvent = { _tag: "CREATE", ... }`
        Match.tag("UPDATE", (x) => update(x)),

And inside footballMatchEventsHandler we can use it like this:

export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> =>
            }) =>
                    // ...
                    Effect.flatMap((commands) => {
                        // Effect.Effect<void>[]
                        const effects =
                            createOrUpdate(createCalendarEvent, updateCalendarEvent),
                        // You can also pass an array of Effects instead of an object to `Effect.all`
                        return Effect.all(effects, { discard: true })
                        //                          👆 This sets the `A` to void, since we don't care about the array of results

Finally we can see that we are creating new calendar events!

{"message":"Calendar event created","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:55:14.599Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","matchDate":"2023-11-12T14:00:00.000Z","competition":"Serie A","teamId":"502","match":"Fiorentina-Bologna","matchId":"1052363"}
{"message":"Calendar event created","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:55:15.524Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","matchDate":"2023-11-26T00:00:00.000Z","competition":"Serie A","teamId":"502","match":"AC Milan-Fiorentina","matchId":"1052380"}
{"message":"Calendar event created","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:55:16.747Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","matchDate":"2023-12-03T14:00:00.000Z","competition":"Serie A","teamId":"502","match":"Fiorentina-Salernitana","matchId":"1052383"}
{"message":"Calendar event created","timestamp":"2023-11-05T15:55:17.671Z","level":"DEBUG","fiberId":"#0","matchDate":"2023-12-10T19:45:00.000Z","competition":"Serie A","teamId":"502","match":"AS Roma-Fiorentina","matchId":"1052401"}
// ...

The whole process to create 31 calendar events took 40 seconds. Let’s see if we can improve it using concurrency like before.

Uncontrolled concurrency

Until now we always specified a fixed number of concurrent effects, but we can also use unbounded to run as many effects as possible concurrently. Let’s try it!

    // ...,
    Effect.flatMap((commands) => {
        const effects =, updateCalendarEvent))
        return Effect.all(effects, { discard: true, concurrency: "unbounded" })

Let’s run the application and see how much time it takes.

{"message":"Commands to execute","timestamp":"2023-11-05T16:02:52.022Z","level":"INFO","fiberId":"#0","create":"31","update":"0","teamId":"502","nothingChanged":"0"}
    "message": "Unexpected application error",
    "timestamp": "2023-11-05T16:02:52.664Z",
    "level": "ERROR",
    "cause": "[...] google calendar event: Error: Rate Limit Exceeded [...]",
    "teamId": 502

Oh no, we broke the application! As you can see from the error message the Google Calendar API responded with a “Rate Limit Exceeded” because we were doing too many requests concurrently. We can say that using concurrency unbounded can be a double-edged sword and we have to be careful when to use it.

We can fix this issue in two way:

  1. Using controlled concurrency
  2. Using the Scheduling module, retrying to insert/update a calendar event following a policy we define (for example with exponential backoff when we exceed the rate limit)

Since this application is simple I chose option 1, as having 5 concurrent effects is absolutely fine for this scenario.

We made it! We re-implemented the whole workflow of my app 🎉!

Run an Effect and provide Requirements

I’m sure you still have questions/doubts about what we did, for example how do I provide the implementation of the requirements? How do you actually execute an Effect? And many more…

I’ll try to answer some of those questions by writing a test.

To run an Effect we can use:

  • Effect.runPromise returns a Promise that may reject if the Effect produce an error
  • Effect.runPromiseExit return always a fulfilled Promise with the Exit type, which is a union of Success<A, E> | Failure<A, E>

We can write a test to check that a calendar event is created when there’s a new football match:

import { expect, test } from "vitest"
import * as Effect from "effect/Effect"
import * as Exit from "effect/Exit"
import * as F from "effect/Function"
import { footballMatchEventsHandler } from "./football-match-events-handler"
test("create football match event", async () => {
    const result = await F.pipe(
        // keep new line
const anyTeam = 1

There’s something wrong, we got a type error at Effect.runPromiseExit!

Argument of type '<A, E>(effect: Effect<A, E, never>) => Promise<Exit<A, E>>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(a: Effect<void, never, Deps>) => Promise<Exit<void, never>>'.
  Types of parameters 'effect' and 'a' are incompatible.
    Type 'Effect<void, never, Deps>' is not assignable to type 'Effect<void, never, never>'.
      Type 'Deps' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2345)

Do you remember earlier we sad that the Effect returned by footballMatchEventsHandler needs requirements (Deps) to be executed? This error warns us about that!

We need to provide an implementation of Deps and then we can call Effect.runPromiseExit.

import { expect, test, vi } from "vitest"
import { Deps, footballMatchEventsHandler } from "./football-match-events-handler"
test("create football match event", async () => {
    const createCalendarEvent = vi.fn(() => Effect.void)
    //                             👆 create a spy function
    // We create a stub implementation of `Deps`.
    // The convention is to call it <Tag>Test and the real implementation <Tag>Live
    const DepsTest = Deps.of({
        loadMatchesByTeam: () => Effect.succeed([anyFootballMatch]),
        loadCalendarEventsByTeam: () => Effect.succeed([]),
        updateCalendarEvent: () => Effect.void,
    const result = await F.pipe(
        Effect.provideService(Deps, DepsTest),
        //     👆 we provide the implementation of the tag Deps
declare const anyFootballMatch: FootballMatch

In alternative, for more complex scenarios you should use layers

And the test is green 🎉!

 ✓ src/football-match-events-handler.test.ts (1)
   ✓ create football match event
 Test Files  1 passed (1)
      Tests  1 passed (1)

Source code

Expand to see full source code
import * as Effect from "effect/Effect"
import * as Context from "effect/Context"
import * as F from "effect/Function"
import * as Match from "effect/Match"
export type Deps = {
    loadMatchesByTeam: (teamId: number) => Effect.Effect<readonly FootballMatch[]>
    loadCalendarEventsByTeam: (teamId: number) => Effect.Effect<readonly CalendarEvent[]>
    createCalendarEvent: (command: CreateFootballMatchEvent) => Effect.Effect<void>
    updateCalendarEvent: (command: UpdateFootballMatchEvent) => Effect.Effect<void>
export const Deps = Context.GenericTag<Deps>("Deps")
export const footballMatchEventsHandler = (teamId: number): Effect.Effect<void, never, Deps> =>
            }) =>
                            matches: loadMatchesByTeam(teamId),
                            calendarEvents: loadCalendarEventsByTeam(teamId),
                        { concurrency: 2 },
                    Effect.tap((commands) =>
                            Effect.logInfo("Commands to execute"),
                    Effect.flatMap((commands) => {
                        const effects =
                            createOrUpdate(createCalendarEvent, updateCalendarEvent),
                        return Effect.all(effects, { discard: true, concurrency: 5 })
type FootballMatchEvent =
    | CreateFootballMatchEvent
    | UpdateFootballMatchEvent
    | NothingChangedFootballMatchEvent
declare const elaborateData: (_: {
    matches: readonly FootballMatch[]
    calendarEvents: readonly CalendarEvent[]
}) => readonly FootballMatchEvent[]
type Summary = { create: number; update: number; nothingChanged: number }
declare const toSummary: (commands: readonly FootballMatchEvent[]) => Summary
type CreateOrUpdateEvent = Exclude<FootballMatchEvent, { _tag: "NOTHING_CHANGED" }>
declare const filterCreateOrUpdateEvents: (
    events: readonly FootballMatchEvent[],
) => CreateOrUpdateEvent[]
const createOrUpdate = (create: Deps["createCalendarEvent"], update: Deps["updateCalendarEvent"]) =>
        Match.tag("CREATE", (x) => create(x)),
        Match.tag("UPDATE", (x) => update(x)),

I modified the code we wrote in this article to make it simpler to understand and remove domain implementation details.

You can find maintained and up-to-date code in the main branch inside devmatteini/football-calendar repository. If you want to explore more, this is the right place to start!


We started exploring Effect and there is a lot more to see and try.

What we just did is a very common workflow: retrieve data from external sources, do some business logic and save the results to a database.

What I like about Effect is that you can experiment, iterate and refactor with confidence that your application won’t break. Effect leverage the type system to make things explicit: errors and requirements. Although we only covered the requirements part, you should check out error handling.

The learning curve may seem high at first, but from my experience I can say that it was worth it because I enjoy writing TypeScript with Effect much more.

Effect resources

Here’s a list of resources I recommend if you want to learn more about Effect:

If you’re coming from fp-ts, this is a repository I created while experimenting with Effect: devmatteini/from-fp-ts-to-effect-ts